CNN ficha a Ana Pastor

CNN ficha a Ana Pastor La periodista realizará entrevistas a personalidades para CNN Internacional y CNN en Español Ana Pastor pasa página. Semanas después de su destitución al frente de Los desayunos de TVE, la periodista ficha por la cadena … Sigue leyendo

Lil’ Vampire Pacifier …

Lil’ Vampire Pacifier Regarding the ”Twilight” saga, you probably imagined that Bella’s and Edward’s daughter Renesmee had some serious fangage on her as you were reading the book. Was it “Breaking Dawn?” (This is before you saw the movie and … Sigue leyendo

Penguin Hand Cream

Penguin Hand Cream Penguin Hand Cream will moisturize your hands just like any other hand cream, but when you aren’t using it, it will sit there looking cute, making you want to use some more. Penguins don’t have hands themselves, … Sigue leyendo